
Gizmo 1.2.1

  • A unique utility plugin. Display a custom welcome screen, fullscreen fades, and more!
Notice: If you are updating from version 1.2.0, you will need to manually update your config to reflect the new commands on advance method. All commands will now fall under "commands-on-advance" and can be prefixed with [console] or [player] to execute commands via the player/console or [message] to send a message.

Config examples available at the bottom of this message.

- Option to execute commands as player or console when clicking an item in a screen
- Option to send the player message(s) when clicking an item
- Option to close the screen when clicking an item

- Merged "player-commands-on-advance" and "console-commands-on-advance" into "commands-on-advance" (config.yml)

New 'config.yml' commands section:
  - '[player] balance'
  - '[console] give %player% dirt 1'
  - '[message] Is that dirt in your inventory? Ew...'

New 'screens.yml' item section options:
    material: DIAMOND_SWORD
    custom-model-data: 1
    slot: 44
    name: '#ee0000The Gizmo Sword'
      - '#48cfa9Lores have multi-line'
      - '#f2991dand hex support!'
    hide-flags: true
      - '[player] i diamond 1'
      - '[console] give %player% emerald 1'
      - '[message] A diamond and emerald, such a dynamic duo.'
    close-on-click: true
The config structure of GIzmo has been completely recoded. Create a backup of your existing config.yml and let Gizmo completely regenerate the new config files. Then MANUALLY, and very cautiously, copy any existing settings from your old config into the new configs.

The default background.png has been changed from black to white. This is important to update if you wish to use the new background-color option.

For 1.18 and 1.19 servers, download version 1.2.0b from the version history.

- Option to perform multiple console commands on advance
- Option to perform multiple commands from the player on advance
- Option to change the background color within the config (affects screens and fades)
- Debug mode. Enabling this option in the config will bypass the server resource pack download check and still display the welcome screen. This option does not affect the first time welcome screen.
- Configured items to the '/g show' command to improve QoL through testing phases.
- Option to add delay before the welcome screen appears
- Option to display the background texture during the delay
- Option to add a different welcome screen and background for the first join
- Player argument to the fade command (display screen fades to other players (Permission: gizmo.fade.others))

- Removed option to toggle welcome screen background

- Fixed welcome message not disabling
- Fixed legacy command-on-advance option
- Fixed initial delay before welcome screen was shown (was causing some servers a weird flicker effect)
- Fixed players taking damage to specific entities

- Lots of code improvement and optimization.
- Reconstructed the main configuration file. Now separated into multiple config files (config, screens, and messages).
- Reconstructed and revamped the default resource pack

Join our community Discord for feature requests, bug reports, and more!
  • Atlas for resource pack