
Gizmo 1.2.1

  • A unique utility plugin. Display a custom welcome screen, fullscreen fades, and more!
Soft Dependencies
Tested Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.18
  2. 1.19
  3. 1.20
Source Code
Donation Link
You must have a server resource pack active in order for Gizmo to function properly!

For 1.18-1.19 servers, download version 1.2.0b from the version history.
PlaceholderAPI required for placeholders.

Gizmo is currently in a beta stage; exercise caution with use in a production environment.



Gizmo is a unique vanilla-esque plugin that utilizes your server resource pack to brng new seamless, lag-free, and bug free mechanics, such as fullscreen screens, screen fades, and more.


Fully customizable welcome screen displayed upon joining.

Smooth and seamless screen fade with tweakable options via config.


Customizable join message with multi-line and hex code support (toggleable in config).


Customizable background color via config. No more continuous pack reloads to get that perfect color.


Add up to 89 customizable items (custom model data supported).​

As of version 1.2.2, Gizmo will automatically generate a resource pack inside of /plugins/Gizmo/ after running your server once.
  1. Install Gizmo.jar in /plugins/ folder.
  2. Start your server and let the default resource pack generate. Stop your server.
  3. In /plugins/Gizmo/, you will find a 'resource' which can be used alone or merged with your existing.
  4. Configure your server's resource pack ( or any plugin can be used).
  5. Start your server and login to be greeted by your new Gizmo welcome screen!
Please note, Gizmo will only initiate when the server resource pack enabled.

Easy and ready to use with a pre-made resource pack included.

Hex color code support (some messages have multi-line support too).

Customizable background color through the config. Say goodbye to reloading your resource pack twenty times to figure out which color looks the best.

Welcome screen delay and toggleable delay background option.

Optional fullscreen fade upon advancing from the welcome screen with configurable fade time.

Force the player to execute [multiple] commands when advancing from the screen.

Execute [multiple] commands from the console when the player advances from the screen.

Toggle player invulnerability during resource pack load.

Give players blindness effect upon resource pack prompt until pack successfully loads

Kick player when declining the server resource pack with customizable multi-line message.

Toggle join and quit messages from showing in the chat.

Play a sound when the player successfully loads the server resource pack and upon advancing from the screen.

Display a unique first join welcome screen and background. After the player's first join, they will see the default screen.

Configurable Unicodes; easy to merge with existing resource packs or plugins like Oraxen and ItemsAdder.

Option to toggle the welcome screen and first join welcome screen.

Ability to add up to 89 items per screen (material, custom model data, slot, name, and lore options).

Option to display the welcome screen once per restart. The welcome screen will only be shown one time to each player per server session.

/g reload (permission: g.reload; alias:/g rl) - Reloads the Gizmo configurations

/g show [player] (permission: - Force displays the welcome screen

/g fade <in> <stay> <out> [player] (permission: g.fade + g.fade.others) - Display a fullscreen fade with a solid color

<> = required
[] = optional

3,841 times
Last updated

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Latest updates

  1. 1.2.1 - Clickable Items and Command Handler Update

    Notice: If you are updating from version 1.2.0, you will need to manually update your config to...
  2. 1.2.0 - Overhaul

    Notices: The config structure of GIzmo has been completely recoded. Create a backup of your...
  3. 1.1.3b-BETA - Added Atlas

    Added: Atlas for resource pack